Meeting presentation

           Phosphoinositides 3-kinases, which activity was  initially discovered by L. Cantley and colleagues in the 80s as associated with oncoproteins, are now accepted as major target for drug design in cancer, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. These kinases are divided into three classes (I, II, III) based on their sequence homology, their substrate specificity and their mechanism of regulation.

           The generation of genetically-modified PI3K mice together with the design of PI3K isoform-specific inhibitors have allowed the identification of non-redundant functions for each kinase, highlighting the therapeutic benefit of individual targeting of the different isoforms in human pathologies.

           This Symposium aims to gather scientists and clinicians from both academia and industry, to discuss the opportunities of targeting the PI3Ks -and their related pathways- in disease, drawing on human pathophysiology and genetics, preclinical models and clinical data on PI3K pathway inhibitors. In addition, our aim is to strengthen the interactions between different local institutes in promoting discussions on a central mechanism of cell signaling involved in metabolic disorders, cardiovascular and cancer and to enhance opportunities for interdisciplinary interaction.


- Registration is free but mandatory - 

Dead-line: September 8th



September 24th

14:00: Meeting introduction 

Cancer session

14:15-15:15 keynote lecture Lewis Cantley: "PI3K and cancer metabolism"

15:15-15:35 Julie Guillermet-Guibert: "Class I PI3K isoforms in pancreatic cancer"

15:35-15:55 Corinne Bousquet: "PI3K-mTOR pathway in tumor microenvironment"


16:00-16:30: Coffee break

PI3K inhibition in the clinics

16:30-16:50 Emmanuel Mas: "Rapamycine: a therapeutic option against colorectal polypes"

16:50-17:50: GILEAD symposium: Loïc Ysebaert : "PI3K inhibition strategies in the therapy of B-cell lymphomas: rationale, clinical trials, and perspectives"



September 25th


Cardiovascular and Metabolism session

09:00-9:40: Emilio Hirsch: "2 Birds with 1 stone: PI3Kgamma inhibition protects from cardiac toxicity of doxorubicin while improving anticancer treatment"

9:40-10:00: Muriel Laffargue: "PI3Kgamma: a possible target in arterial diseases"

10:00-10:20: Armelle Yart: "PI3K dysregulation in Leopard syndrome?"


10:20-10:50:Coffee break

10:50-11:10 Jean-Pierre Salles: "PI3K and survival pathway in Pradere-Willi syndrome"

11h10-11:30: Sonia Severin: "Essential role of class II PI3K-C2α in platelet membrane morphology"

 11:30-12:10: Closing keynote lecture: Bart Vanhaesebroeck "Role of class II & III PI3K in metabolism"


12:15 Lunch / End of the symposium






Comité organisateur

Muriel Laffargue, I2MC; Bernard Payrastre, I2MC; Frédérique Gaits-Iacovoni, I2MC; Audrey Ferrand, CPTP; Corinne Bousquet, CRCT

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