September 24th
14:00: Meeting introduction
Cancer session
14:15-15:15 keynote lecture Lewis Cantley: "PI3K and cancer metabolism"
15:15-15:35 Julie Guillermet-Guibert: "Class I PI3K isoforms in pancreatic cancer"
15:35-15:55 Corinne Bousquet: "PI3K-mTOR pathway in tumor microenvironment"
16:00-16:30: Coffee break
PI3K inhibition in the clinics
16:30-16:50 Emmanuel Mas: "Rapamycine: a therapeutic option against colorectal polypes"
16:50-17:50: GILEAD symposium: Loïc Ysebaert : "PI3K inhibition strategies in the therapy of B-cell lymphomas: rationale, clinical trials, and perspectives"
September 25th
Cardiovascular and Metabolism session
09:00-9:40: Emilio Hirsch: "2 Birds with 1 stone: PI3Kgamma inhibition protects from cardiac toxicity of doxorubicin while improving anticancer treatment"
9:40-10:00: Muriel Laffargue: "PI3Kgamma: a possible target in arterial diseases"
10:00-10:20: Armelle Yart: "PI3K dysregulation in Leopard syndrome?"
10:20-10:50:Coffee break
10:50-11:10 Jean-Pierre Salles: "PI3K and survival pathway in Pradere-Willi syndrome"
11h10-11:30: Sonia Severin: "Essential role of class II PI3K-C2α in platelet membrane morphology"
11:30-12:10: Closing keynote lecture: Bart Vanhaesebroeck "Role of class II & III PI3K in metabolism"
12:15 Lunch / End of the symposium